

Uniforms are available for purchase from NZ Uniforms  http://helensvilleprimary.nzuniforms.com




Other Uniform requirements 


Shorts: Navy shorts - No cycle shorts

Socks and Stockings: Plain black, navy or white socks or tights.

​Hair Ties or Headbands: Must be plain black or blue (Long hair should be tied back)

During Term 2 and 3 students may wear a plain thermal top and long navy pants.



Bucket style wide brimmed hats must be worn outside during Terms One and Four.
In Term two and three plain, navy beanies may be worn outside.

Sports Tops

These are optional




Sandals: Dark colours only, back strap and suitable for all school activities

Shoes: Dark colours only, velcro (if possible) for Juniors and flat soled

NB:  No boots, jandals, Slides, Crocs, high tops or high heeled shoes


* All items must be clearly named

* Any clothing worn underneath the uniform must not be visible, with the exception of navy thermal tops

* Make up is not permitted

* Scarves, non-uniform raincoats or gloves worn on the way to school must be removed upon arrival

* Jewellery: For safety reasons jewellery is not permitted with the exception of:

        a. Small, plain studs or small, plain sleepers in their ears

        b. A watch

        c. A medic alert bracelet/necklace

        d. Jewellery which is of cultural or religious significance may be worn with permission from the Principal.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Swale Earthmovers sKids Parakai Wayne Grayson & Associates WOW Sushi Helensville Mechanical Services Ka Pai Colors Limited LMC Lawn Mowing Contractor Chanelle Jade Hair Studio Exceed - we fix windows & doors Essence Electrical Systems Ltd MTF Finance Kumeū Lifestyle Legal Services Parker Lime Company

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